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MPI Philadelphia Board of Directors Job Descriptions


President-Elect    (3 year term, President-Elect, President, Immediate Past President). 

To be eligible for this position you must have served (1) full term as a director and at a minimum 2 years a Vice president in different positions, President-Elect shall act in the place of the President at any required function of the Chapter or International organization where the President is unable to perform; serves on the Nominating Committee; establishes and facilitates an orientation program for the incoming Board of Directors; develops and implements a leadership succession/mentoring program; and advocacy efforts (government affairs) of the chapter; updating chapter members on local legislation affecting the meetings industry; developing a means for the chapter to have a voice in government to promote its interests

Vice-President, Communications (1 year term)

The VP of Communications is responsible for the planning and implementation of publications (magazine, directory, annual report), marketing (website/technology, job bank, social media) advertising (newsletter ads, website ads), public relations (media relations, press releases) community outreach (philanthropic activities); and ensuring chapter programs, activities and accomplishments are highlighted on an international level by communicating with MPI.  To be eligible for this role you must have served one full term as a director.

Vice-President, Education (1 year term)

The VP of Education responsibilities include managing and supervising chapter educational efforts including Monthly Programs, Professional Development, Special Education Projects such as Education Day, CMP Study Group, Venue Procurement for ALL chapter events venues; develops annual educational plan required to be submitted by July 30th and researches current trends and topics pertinent to the meetings industry.  To be eligible for this role you must have served one full term as a director.

Vice-President, Finance (1 year term)

The VP of Finance responsibilities include managing and supervising all chapter financial efforts such as fundraising activities (auctions, fundraising events, special events (holiday party, silent auction, special networking events), strategic alliances, (sponsorships, partnership marketing), investments and reserves such as CD’s mutual funds, prudent reserve; ensures investment allocations are in compliance with the approved Chapter investment policy; ensures contribution to the reserve fund is budgeted for and made, during the fiscal year; coordinates all financial transactions with the Executive Director to ensure financial stability of the Chapter. 

Vice-President, Membership (1 year term)

The VP of Membership is responsible for the planning and execution of all programs that directly relate to recruitment (member recruitment, new member orientation), member care (member retention and hospitality), awards and scholarships (recognition programs, scholarship).

Director (1 year term)

Directors are responsible for ensuring that the committees that report to them set and achieve their goals and objectives.  Directors are also strategic advisors to their committees and are directly involved in developing the strategic direction of the Chapter.  Directors are expected to attend all Board meetings and 2 annual leadership retreats and have voting rights for all issues that come before the Board.  Responsibilities also include ensuring completing of the consent agenda, being an integral part of their teams efforts for their area of responsibility and conducting bi-weekly calls with the teams to ensure all deliverables are being met.

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